societies seem to have focused this into genealogy.
2. Pre-reading by getting to know what archaeology or archeology is
Archaeology or archeology is the study of human cultures through the recovery, documentation and analysis of material remains and environmental data, including architecture, artifacts, biofacts, human remains, and landscapes.
The goals of archaeology are to document and explain the origins and development of human culture, understand culture history, chronicle cultural evolution, and study human behaviour and ecology, for both prehistoric and historic societies.
3. Reading for forms of language
At your first reading of the text it is usually best not to stop and consult your dictionary. This will interrupt your process of reading and understanding. Often the meaning of unfamiliar words and phrases becomes clear as you continue to read through the text. The dictionary can be used at a later stage.
Read the text to: cut/ the sentence into thought groups, blacken the predicates, darken the connectives and underline all the useful expressions.
4. Finding collocations and making sentences
Why do we learn collocations?
• Your language will be more natural and more easily understood.