优质课《Module6 Unit2 Was it a big city then》教案教学设计
优质课《Module6 Unit2 Was it a big city then》教案教学设计第2页

2. Work in pairs.one student asks,and the other student answers.

T will show a picture of Yaoming,and asks"Was he tall then?".And then T will show another picture of Yaoming who is about 10.T will help Ss answer the question"No,he wasn't."

3.play the video about Activity 1(先让学生整体感知活动1中的对话)

T:Do you know "strong"?


T:Who can act "strong" for us ?××,please.

play the video again (让学生看图,跟读,模仿正确的语音、语调,并播放两遍)

T:Now,look at the screen and read after it.

T:Now,try again.

4.Work in pairs,read the dialogue,then act the dialogue.

T:Now,Work in pairs,read the dialogue.

T:Now,this time,please act the dialogue.

Step2:Task presentation

1. T shows a group of pictures to the students

T: Now,look at these pictures,and guess where it is.

S1: Guangyuan?

T: No.


T:Yes,it is.This is Chengdu .