【同步导学】2018-2019学年人教版高中英语必修三导学案:Unit 2 Healthy Eating reading
【同步导学】2018-2019学年人教版高中英语必修三导学案:Unit 2 Healthy Eating reading第2页

2) frustrate v. 挫败;阻挠;使感到灰心;frustrated adj. 感到沮丧的;frustrating adj. 令人沮丧的;frustration n. 挫败、灰心、沮丧。

例句:①He gets so frustrated at not being able to do things for himself any more.

②Parents are increasingly frustrated with the local school system.

③It's frustrating to wait all day for a repairman who doesn't show up.

④ He expressed his frustration at not being able to talk openly.

活用:英译汉:There is a growing sense of frustration among the hospital staff.


2. "Nothing could be better. "he thought. (P10)

Nothing could be better. = These are the best. can/could 在否定句中与比较级连用,表示一个可定的最高级。

例句:You can't find a better hotel in such a small town. = This is the best hotel you can find in such a small town.

拓展:Can't be better! 绝了! Can't be worse! 糟透了!

活用:英译汉:1)She sings well. Nobody has a better voice in our class.


  2)You can't be cleverer to have such a wonderful idea.


3. Suddenly he saw his friend Li Chang hurrying by.(p10)

see sb do sth 为"感官动词+宾语+宾补"的结构,宾补do 为省略to 的不定式。这个结构也适用于其它感官动词,常见的比如hear, listen to,watch, feel 等均表示感受到动作的过程。在这个结构中,如果感官动词用做被动语态,则宾补为to do, 即带to 的不定式。


They watched her step off the sidewalk, cross the road, and disappear into the post office.= She was watched to step off the sidewalk, cross the road, and disappear into the post office.

拓展:感官动词+宾语+do 表示感受到动作的过程

感官动词+宾语+doing 表示感受到动作发生过程中的某个点

感官动词+宾语+done 表示感受到被动动作


1)The witness was listened to ________(give) a detailed account of what had happened.