
oxygen , before being pumped around the rest of the body .

4. This is very delicate organ . It's moved by 6 muscles and consists of various different layers .

 Light enters and reaches special light sensitive cells .This works like a camera and finally

 sends signals to the brain .

5. These organs absorbs oxygen and get rid of carbon dioxide . They are situated on either side

 of the heart . They receives air as a result of breathing and when blood passes through. They

 give it oxygen .




1. How can we live a healthy life?

2. How often do you clean your teeth?

3. How often do you do physical exercise?

4. How often do you eat sweets or chocolate?

5. How many pieces of fresh fruit do you eat per day?

6. How many hours do you sleep per night and have your brain rest?

7. What are the bad effects of smoking?

8. Is it wise for us to swim on a full stomach or eat too much? Why?


  In order to be healthy, we should form good habits, such as brushing our teeth, eating more fruits and fewer sweets and doing physical exercise. Only in this way can we lead a healthy and happy life. ...





1. 体育运动有利于人的身心健康,使我们的眼、脑、肌肉都得到锻炼;

2. 体育运动能培养人的意志,陶冶情操,尤其有利于增强集体荣誉感和合作精神;

3. 体育运动使人正确认识自我,增强自信;

4. 体育运动促进行为协调,反应迅速。





  Sports are of great importance to our body and mind. They cannot only prevent us from getting too fat and keep us healthy, but also give us valuable practice in helping the eyes, brain and muscles work together. Besides, sports are also good for character-training as we learn to work together with other team members, go all out to win the match and treasure the honor of the group.

What we learn in sports will make us know ourselves better and gain more self-confidence. Finally, we can have a more balance of ourselves and respond more quickly after doing sports.