2011高考英语一轮复习高一上(人教修订版)总复习:Unit 7 Cultural relics
2011高考英语一轮复习高一上(人教修订版)总复习:Unit 7   Cultural relics第3页

(1)run into sth.遇到或撞及某物

(2)run into sb.偶然碰到,(使汽车)撞及某人

· 重点句型解析 ·

1. Where there is a river, there is a city. 有河流的地方就有城市。

Where在这里引导的是地点状语从句,相当于介词in/ at/ to + the place + where从句9定语从句),意思是"在......地方"。

2. It was under attack for 900 days, but the people of the city never gave in. 城市被德军 围攻达900天之久,但是当地人民从未屈服。

Under attack遭到攻击,常与be动词连用。这里的介词under作"经受或遭受"、"在...的过程中"等解释,前接be动词,后跟名词,有时表达进行时态的意思。

3. Restoring the city and its cultural relics seemed impossible, but the people of this great city would not give up.看来要恢复城市和它的文化遗迹原貌是不可能办的事,但是这座伟大的城市的人民决不肯放弃。

seem 的用法:

1)seem 后可接形容词、名词、不定式、分词或介词短语等作表语。

2)seem后接to be,注意to be的省略情况。


   4)It seems后接that或as if从句,引导词 that/as if有时可省略。



  1、do + n.

  do exercises做练习, do housework干家务, do business做生意, do English puzzle猜英语字谜, do wonders创造奇迹

  2、do + a + n.

  do a room整理房间, do a favor开恩, do a sum计算, do a show展示

  3、do + an + n.

  do an experiment做实验

  4、do + the + n.

  do the problem解决问题,do the trick愚弄, do the dead做好事

  5、do + one's + n.

  do one's lesson做功课, do one's hair梳理头发, do one's teeth刷牙, do one's bed铺床, do one's duty尽义务, do one's best竭力

  6、do + some + v-ing

do some washing涮洗, do some reading读书, do some shopping购物, do some sewing缝补, do some cleaning做清洁, do some sightseeing观光, do some traveling旅行,