
2.主从句时态一致。Nobody knew who the old man in the street was.

3.不能用疑问句语序。Do you know when he will come here?

当主句谓语是一般现在时, 宾语从句可以,根据需要来使用某种时态.

当主句谓语是一般过去时, 宾语从句用表示过去的某种时态.

当主句谓语是一般过去时, 宾语从句的内容表示客观真理时, 宾语从句中的谓语动词不受主句谓语动词的影响, 应保留一般现在时态形式.

1、Do you know how much hot water ?

A.Mum is needed B.does Mum need

C.Mum needs D.did Mum need

2、Can you tell me ?

A.where he is B.where is he

C.he is where D.what is he

3、I didn't know how to London?

A.would they go B.are they going

C.they would go D.they are going

4、I want to know how long

A.has he been back B.has he come back

C.he has been back D.he has come back

5、Do you know ?

A.what the news are B.what is the news

C.what the news is D.what are the news


1 We don't know. Where can we buy a stamp?


I don't know what I shall do next.

② Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?

③ 在希望得到肯定答复的疑问句中,以及在含有表示建议、请求和征求意见语气的疑问句中, 常用some和something,而不用any和anything。

Eg; Could you tell me something about yourself.

  Would you like to have some apples?

  What about saying something about your school?

③ prefer用法

prefer vt."更喜欢、宁愿",其后可接名词、-ing形式及动词不定式,还用在"prefer...to..."结构中,表示"喜欢......而不喜欢......"。

prefer A to B

eg:I prefer the original book to the revised edition.

prefer doing A to doing B

Even on holidays Mr. Wang preferred reading to doing nothing.

prefer to do sth.

They prefer to spend the rest of the morning wandering in the streets.

④They have organized games and the staff dress up as clowns.

⑤区别sound / noise / voice