2019学年度译林版必修三Module1Period4Grammar 学案设计(4页word版答案含有解析)
2019学年度译林版必修三Module1Period4Grammar 学案设计(4页word版答案含有解析)第1页

2019学年度译林版必修三Module1Period4Grammar 学案设计


In many space-themed films, whenever Earth faces a disaster, the 1 (solve) is always fleeing the planet in spaceships. But the latest Chinese sci-fi movie, The Wandering Earth, offers a 2 (difference) and more ambitious idea.

In the film, Earth is in danger of 3 (destroy) by the dying sun. In response, humans around the world work together to build a giant engine system that will push Earth away from the sun. Instead of abandoning Earth, this time we're taking 4 with us.

This "ambition" didn't come from nowhere. For thousands of years, "homeland" 5 (have)a soft spot in the hearts and minds of Chinese people. The special cultural background is 6 (probable) what sets The Wandering Earth apart from Hollywood-style space films.

"What is Chinese sci-fi? " Guo Fan, 7 film's director, said in an interview. "A vehicle that can really express our cultural and spiritual core can 8 (call)Chinese sci-fi. Otherwise, we're just imitating others and telling the same American stories. " The film was released on Feb 5, the first day of Chinese New Year. It was a time 9 many people had just made the hard journey back to their hometowns.

So to them, there is only one possible way 10 (tell)the story: Earth goes wherever humans go, because it's our home.


【文章大意】中国科幻影片《流浪地球》实现了票房口碑双丰收, 有人甚至称其开启了中国电影的科幻元年。那么, 到底什么是中国式科幻片?

1. solution。考查词性转换。冠词后要用名词作句子的主语。

2. different。考查词性转换。修饰名词idea, 应用形容词。

3. being destroyed。考查非谓语动词。介词of后应用动词的动名词形式, destroy和逻辑主语Earth之间是被动关系, 应用动名词的被动形式。

4. it。考查代词。此处指代Earth。

5. has had。考查时态。根据时间状语For thousands of years可知, 该动作与现在有关, 应用现在完成时。

6. probably。考查词性转换。修饰整个句子应用副词。

7. the。考查冠词。特指该部电影的导演, 应用定冠词the表示特指。

8. be called。考查语态。动词call与主语A vehicle之间是被动关系, 且情态动词can后应用动词原形, 应用be called。

9. when。考查定语从句。此处when引导定语从句, 修饰先行词time, 定语从句中缺少时间状语, 应用when引导。

10. to tell。考查非谓语动词。way后应用不定式作定语。
