七下英语Unit5 Why do you like pandas说课稿免费下载3
七下英语Unit5 Why do you like pandas说课稿免费下载3第2页








(3)游戏学习法。通过"播放某种动物的叫声,学生猜测出是哪种动物?"这样的小游戏,来巩固本课所学知识。 接下来我具体来谈谈这一堂课的教学过程。


Step 1 Warming-up

Greet the class. Introduce myself to the students.

[设计意图] Warm the class, know each other and make the students relaxed.

Step 2 Leading-in

Let them watch a movie.

[设计意图] Raise the Students' learning interest and lead in the new lesson.

Step 3 Presenting the new words and sentence patterns

1. Ask the students what the movie is about. ( animals)

2. Present the new words (tiger, lion, elephant, panda, koala, giraffe) by guessing and try to tell the students some adjectives to describe these animals.

3. Introduce some other animals to the students to present the sentence patterns.

[设计意图] Learn the basic knowledge for communicating. 让学生做根据声音辨别动物的游戏。 教师通过多媒体播放某种动物的叫声,然后让学生说出是哪种动物发出的声音,