教研课《He spent about twenty-one hours in space》教案
教研课《He spent about twenty-one hours in space》教案第3页

Step1 Warm-up :

1. greeting.

2. Say a chant.

3.lead in.

Step2: Presentation:

   1. 活动1:Look, listen and say.

   2. 活动2:Listen and read.

What is Yang Liwei?

When did he fly into the space?

How long did Yang Liwei spend in space?

Did Yang Liwei make a video?

Step 3: Practice :

1. 活动3: Listen and say.

(1) 教师播放本部分录音,学生先听1遍,然后跟读。

(2) 教师在课件上呈现本部分图片,一名同学扮演杨利伟的儿子,对图片进行介绍。介绍时注意表达出自豪的语气。

2. 活动4: Practice.

(1) 仔细阅读书中句子,根据句意将其用"and"连接成句。

(2) 每组选派一名成员在全班同学面前进行汇报。

Step 4: Consolidation :

   教师在课件上播放趣味动画 Sam's space travel,学生欣赏,并在教师的引导下简单描述动画主要内容。

Step 5: Summary:


Step6: Homework:

   Read the text. 板书设计:Unit 1He spent about twenty-one hours in space.

fly -- flew become -- became spend -- spent see -- saw

make - made send--sent 课后反思:

教研组长签字: 2017年 月 日