外研版英语《He spent about twenty-one hours in space》教案
外研版英语《He spent about twenty-one hours in space》教案第3页


T:We are all proud of Yang Liwei,including his son.

Show a photo of Yang Ningkang (PPT).

Ⅱ、read and finish.(幻灯片展示,学生操作)

Hello! I am Yang Ningkang. Yang Liwei is my father. And I'm his [sΛn]. First, my father drove a plane. He was a good ['pailət]. Then he [bi'keim] a taikonaut. He was the first man in space. I'm

very [praud] of him.

  My father said a taikonaut must be strong. Yesterday was Sunday. We [spent] about one ['auə](60 minutes) for exercises. In the afternoon

  we [flu:] a kite. What a happy day!


1、 Listen to the radio for the first time and find the past tense form of the words.

 Say a chant:fly-flew become-became spend-spent

2、 Listen again, pay attention to your pronunciation and tune. After listening, I have some qustions.

1) When did Shenzhou V flew into space? In October 2003.

2) Who is Yang Liwei? He is a taikonaut.

3) How many hours did he spend in space?

He spent about twenty-one hours in space.

4) What did he make in space? He made a video.

5) How old was his son in 2003? His son was eight years old.

6) Why was his son proud of him?

Because he was China's first man in space.

Or:Because he was very famous.

3、 This time,listen and repeat,try to find the important sentences and phrase-s in the text.

1) flew into space

Shenzhou V flew into space with Yang Liwei.

Shenzhou Ⅵ flew into space with Nie Haisheng and Fei Junlong.

Shenzhou Ⅶ flew into space in 2008.

2) be from

Can you make a sentence with it?

3) made a video

My father made a video about my birthday party.