2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修三教案:Module 1 Europe
2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修三教案:Module 1 Europe第5页

Step 5: Scanning (10minutes)

1. Reading comprehension

1). The famous symbol of Pairs is _____.

A. the Church of the Sagrada Familia

B. the Parthenon

C. The Uffizi Palace

D. the Eiffel Tower

2). Barcelona is the second largest city of _____.

A. France B. Spain

C. Italy D. Greece

3). The Renaissance is a great artistic movement which began in the _____ and lasted for three hundred years.

A. 1400s B. 1500s

C. 1300s D. 1600s

4). Athens is known as the birthplace of _____.

A. western civilization

B. Antonio Gaudi

C. Leonardo da Vinci

D. Michelangelo

5).About _____ of France's artists and writers live in the largest city of France.

A. one third B. two thirds

C. half D. one fourth

6). Michelangelo was a great artist who _____.

A. designed the Parthenon

B. designed the Eiffel Tower

C. produced many beautiful sculptures

D. designed the Louvre

7). Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A. Madrid is about five hundred kilometers west of the city, Barcelona.

B. Gaudi worked on the project the Church of the Sagrada Familia for 44 years.

  C. Athens was once the world's most powerful city.

  D. Greece's best writers whose works has influenced other writers ever since lived in

modern Athens.


1. True or False

1).The Eiffel Tower is a tall building in France.

2) There are a lot of restaurants and cafes in Paris.

3) Barcelona is the capital of Spain.

4) The Church of the Sagrada Familia was built in 1926.

5) The artistic movement called the Renaissance began in Florence.

6) The Uffizi Palace is a famous hotel in Florence.

7) A long time ago, Athens was the world's most powerful city.

8) There were a lot of good writers in ancient Athens.