【新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案:《Unit 3 Tomorrow’s world period 5 grammar and usage》
【新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案:《Unit 3 Tomorrow’s world period 5 grammar and usage》第2页

1. 不知道或没必要指出动作的自行者。

2. 强调动作的承受者

3。 动作的自行者有较长的修饰语。

4. 出于礼貌, 不愿意说出动作的执行者。

Change the following sentences into the passive voice:

Please read Point 3 on Page 48. Read it carefully

Fill in the blankets with the right form of the words given:

1.I ___________(give) a new book by my father on my birthday.

2.English ___________(find) very useful.

3.The work ______________(finish)


4. The flowers ______________(water) by them now.

5.The railway ________________(build) this time last year.

6. The new way _______ already _________(build).

7. The new railway ___________ (build) by the end of last year.

8. He told me the sports meeting _____________(hold) the next month.

9. Rice ___________(grow) in the south

of the States.

Change the following sentences into passive voice and ask questions about the underlined parts:


Look at the following table and try to fill in it. Let's just make the word make as an example.

Present tense The simple present am/are/is + made The simple continuous am/is/are + being + made The simple perfect has/ have + been + made

Past tense The simple past was/were + made The past continuous Was/were + being + made The past perfect tense Had + been + made The past future Should / would + be + made The past future perfect Should/would + have + been + made

Future tense The simple future Shall/will + be + made The future continuous Shall/will + have + been + made Some examples:

1. All of us like her. --------------- She is liked by all of us.

2. We are discussing the question ---------- The question is being discussed

3. We have put off the meeting.------------- The meeting has been put off.

4. I will develop my pictures next week.------- My pictures will be developed next week.

How can we change a sentence with active voice into passive voice?

Follow three steps:

Find out the object of the sentence and use it as the subject of the sentence with the passive