Look at the photo, please. This man is a great inventor called Thomas Edison.
Thomas Edison received over 1000 U.S. patents, the most issued to any individual. Some people also credit him with an invention that received no patent: the modern corporate research laboratory. While this conclusion is arguable, his Menlo Park laboratory was intentionally designed to be an invention factory. It housed a large reference library, and often served to showcase the Wizard's work. Some who worked in or visited the lab later became competitors.
"box telephone" telegraph sewing machine light bulb
2. Reading for forms
Read the text again to: cut/ the sentence into thought groups, blacken the predicates, darken the connectives and underline all the useful collocations.
3. Copying and making sentences
There are several different types of collocation made from combinations of verb, noun, adjective etc. Some of the most common types are:
• Adverb + Adjective: completely satisfied (NOT downright satisfied)