外研版英语《Module10 Unit1 This is his head》教学设计教案
外研版英语《Module10 Unit1 This is his head》教学设计教案第2页


1、知识目标:掌握并巩固身体部位的词汇:head, arm, hand ,leg, foot等,以及运用此句型:This is +人称物主代词+名词;能口头运用Point to your head,这类语句发出指令,并能根据指令指出相应的身体部位;能口头运用This is his head.这类语句谈论基本身体部位。




本课的重点是掌握人体各部位的词汇,难点是运用简单的句型进行描述以及hand与 head的发音。 五、教学设计和依据



3)、愉快游戏教学法 教学过程:

一、Warm up

1、课前分小组,let's look at sub-group, 分成四个小组。

2、Greetings 。

3、T:let's Sing an English song "Please Stand Up"ok?

Ss: Ok !

T: You're very good! One star for every group.


【设计意图】:通过歌曲,既可以营造学生学习英语的氛围,又复习了句型Point to 、、、、、



教师拿起自己的书、钢笔等说:This is my book.

This is my pen.

T;who can introduce your anything?

S1:This is my pencil.(举起自己的铅笔)

T: This is his pencil.

S2: This is my pen.(举起自己的钢笔)

T: This is his pen. 引出单词his的教学

T: You're very good!


T: Look at my body.引出单词body 的教学。

T: This is my head . This is my arm .

 This is my hand.

Let's see Panda's body ,ok?

出示head, arm, hand, leg, foot单词的教学。


1)、用one by one / boys together/girls together等形式教学单词。


3)、I point and you say.(教师指的时候打乱顺序)


4)、Let's play a game ,ok? I say and you point.

T: Point to your head/arm ......

5)、Pair work . One say and one point.

6)、T: Let's play a game ,let's see which group is the best?

Who wants to come here? Group one ? Group two?

Group three? Group four? Listen carefully! I say and you point.

T: Point to your arm.........

(一轮过后,教师及时给与评价,最好的加two stars ,一般的加one star,以提高学生学习的积极性。)

T: Who wants to be a teacher? Who can have a try ?


3、This is his ...句型的教学

T: Let's introduce Panda's body, ok ? Look at the screen.



T: For example , This is his head.(指向他的头)

S1: This is his arm.

S2: This is his hand.

S3: This is his leg.

S4: This is his foot.

T: You're well done!

4、I have a wonderful chant ,let's read ,ok?

Head,head,head,This is my head.

Arm , arm ,arm , this is my arm.

Hand , hand, hand, this is my hand.

Leg, leg, leg , this is my leg.

Foot ,foot ,foot, this is my foot.


T: Let's chant together, ok ?教师加上动作领读。

T: Now read by yourself, ok?

T: Who can read ? Hand up!

T: What do you think about? Good or very good?

SS:Good ,good very good!

T: Let's read together , ok ?


T: Now let's welcome our friend Daming , he'll introduce our old friend ,

Let's listen.

Open your books ,turn to page 38.

1)、Listen and point.

2)、Listen and answer the questions:

A: What does Daming see?

B: Which parts of Panpan can Daming see?


3)、Listen and repeat.

4)、Listen and repeat again.


5)、Pair work. One is Daming ,one is Panpan.

6)、let's play a game, ok?

Who wants to be Daming ? Who wants to be Panpan?



Look at the screen, look at the pictures ,make some sentences with " This is his ...." (出示喜洋洋、灰太狼的图片)



T: Who can have a try?

S1: This is his head.


T: What do you think about good or very good?

SS:Good ,good very good!


1. Listen and repeat the text.

2. Draw a picture of yourself, then show it to your parents/friends and say, "This is my head/arm... ...".