教研课《Unit1 Were you at home yesterday》教学设计教案
教研课《Unit1 Were you at home yesterday》教学设计教案第2页

3. 课文学习

电话铃声响起,课件出示Tom和 grandma打电话的情境。

T: Who are they? Yes, they are Tom and his grandma. They are on the phone now. Where was grandma? Was she at home yesterday? Let's watch and listen!

(1) Watch and listen, then choose the best answer:

Was Grandma at home yesterday?

A. Yes, she was. B. No, she wasn't.

Check the answer.

T: Yes, you got it. She was out with grandpa for Chinese lesson.(相机教授 lesson)

(2)Listen and answer the questions.

Is it sunny in London?

Was it sunny in London yesterday?

Check the answer.

Teach "Was it ... yesterday? Yes, it was. No, it wasn't."板书问句并进行问答。

T:It was sunny yesterday. Tom wants to play in the sun.


(3)Listen and underline the sentences of "Was/Were...?" 听并画出"Was/Were...?"的句子。

(4)Listen ,point and repeat.

(5) Read the text in roles play.(2ms)

(6)Show time.(学生评价)



( 音乐开始传花,音乐停止拿到花的学生跟据转盘指针对准的图片用以下句型进行问答游戏。)