《》2011年高考英语总复习(山西专用):Module 6 The World’s Cultural Heritage(外研社版选修七)
《》2011年高考英语总复习(山西专用):Module 6 The World’s Cultural Heritage(外研社版选修七)第4页

B. the Mayan villages haven't developed very much in the past few years

C. more and more Mayans prefer to leave their hometown to work outside

D. the radio station"Ak' Katan FM"has been popular with the local people

5. The passage is mainly about .

A. the education system of Mayans

B. the present living conditions of Mayans

C. the protection of the Mayan lifestyle

D. the programmes of developing Mayan culture

Ⅵ. 短文改错






We American are wasteful people, not used to 1.

save. The early settlers began this pattern, 2.

for natural resources were very plentiful that no one 3.

even imagined a shortage. Within a few years of 4.

this first Virginia settlement, for an example, pioneers 5.

burned down their houses when they are ready 6.

move west. They wanted to have the nails for 7.

future use. No one never gave a thought to the 8.

priceless hardwoods went up in smoke. As a people 9.

we destroy many things that the other people save. 10.



受资助前 受资助后 学校名称 李家庄学校 希望学校 学生情况 多数学生因家贫而辍学 辍学学生全部复学 办学条件 一所危房作为教室;操场只是一块空地;一间办公室 一栋两层教学楼;音乐室、美术室、微机室等;体育用品齐全




  Thanks to the Hope Project, great changes have taken place in a western country school.

Module 6 The World's Cultural Heritage