2019-2020学年外研版高中英语必修3优化教案:Module 1 Section Ⅳ Other Parts of the Module
2019-2020学年外研版高中英语必修3优化教案:Module 1  Section Ⅳ Other Parts of the Module第3页

  Read the text in "Cultural Corner" quickly and choose the best answers.

  1.Which of the following is RIGHT about the European Union?

  A.An organisation of different cities.

  B.An independent country governed by the queen.

  C.An organisation of European countries.

  2.Which of the following countries does NOT belong to the first members of the European Union?

  A.France.   B.Lebanon.   C.Belgium.

  3.How many members are there in the European Union in the year 2000?

  A.9. B.15. C.6.

  4.What's the population of the United States?

  A.0.5 billion.

  B.0.25 billion.

  C.1 billion.

  答案:1~4 CBBB





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