2019学年度北师大版选修七Unit 20 Section Ⅴ Communication Workshop学案设计(10页word版)
2019学年度北师大版选修七Unit 20  Section Ⅴ  Communication Workshop学案设计(10页word版)第2页

1.kick off        开始

2.take place 发生,进行

3.drop off 下降,减少

4.as a result of 作为......的结果

5.so as to 以便......

6.in case 假使,以防(万一)

7.set up 建立

8.due to 由于

9.rather than 而不是

10.in conclusion 最后,总之 1.spread out all over the world  遍布于世界各地

2.mark the beginning of ... 标志着......的开始

3.in order that ... 为了,以便......

4.start with 以......开始

5.in the initial stages of exploring space


6.a stepping stone 一个里程碑

7.breathe in and out deeply 深呼吸

8.make a mistake 犯错误

9.international space exploration 国际太空探索   三、这样记句式

先背熟 再悟通 后仿用 1.This marked the beginning of the "space race" between the US and the USSR, which ended with the US putting a man on the moon in 1969.

它标志着美国和前苏联之间"太空竞赛"的开始,最终以美国于1969年将人送到月球而告终。 "with+宾语+宾补"结构作伴随状语。 (2016·北京高考书面表达)With_all_the_work_done,_we went to the nearby neighbourhood and gave them away to the people living there.

做完所有的工作后,我们去了附近的社区,把它们给了住在那里的人们。 2.... so as to research life in space and provide a stepping stone in case future manned flights are sent out.

......以便探索太空生命,为未来发送载人航天飞机提供落脚地。 in case"万一,以防",引导条件状语从句。 You must remind him to take his medicine, in_case_he_forgets.

你必须提醒他吃药,免得他忘了。 3.... as long as people remain interested, we will keep exploring the world overhead.

......只要人们仍心存兴趣,我们将会继续探索头顶上的那个世界。 as long as"只要",引导条件状语从句。 So/As_long_as_we_don't_lose_heart and keep on trying, we are sure to get over difficulties, and achieve our aims.
