《Module6 Unit2 He ran very fast》教案教学设计免费下载
《Module6 Unit2 He ran very fast》教案教学设计免费下载第2页

第3 学 时

教学流程设计 Step1 Warming up

1. Greetings

2. 教师说动作名称,学生重复并做相应动作。 示例:run / jump/ ride/ swim/ read

cook/ draw/ eat/ write/ row/ draw a picture/ wash clothes/ play the flute/ play football/ make a cake/ jump high/ run fast

Step2 Presentation

  Look,listen and say,

1、 看动画、听录音,模仿课文语音、语调两遍

2、 分角色朗读对话。

  Listen ,read

1、 Now,Let's see Amy's grandpa.What can he do in the past?(逐一呈现三张


2、 在呈现Amy's grandpa and grandma的合影,导出句子:He's slow now ,but


3、 教师播放课文录音,学生小组讨论回答问题。

  Did Amy's grandpa run fast? Did he swim very fast in the past?

  Did he jump high? Is he slow or healthy now?

4、 教师领读课文,并引导翻译。让学生听录音模仿两遍,小组合作分角色朗读课文,


Step3 Practice

  Look and write.Then say.

1、 让学生看图片,完成句子的书写。

2、 Check the answer.

Step4 Consolidation and extension.

  Guessing game .


Step5 Homework

1、 Remember the new words.

2、 Read the text. 板 书 设 计:

Unit 2 He ran very fast.

play football well swam very fast In the past run fast 课 后 反 思:

教研组长签字: 2016年 月 日