2019学年度人教版选修八Unit2CloningPeriod5Using Language学案(5页word版)
2019学年度人教版选修八Unit2CloningPeriod5Using Language学案(5页word版)第2页


9.Most children in low­income families have parents who are ________ full­time and year­round.

A.hired B.employed

C.rented D.fired

答案与解析:B employ多指公司长期雇用人员;hire常指短期雇用;rent"租借,出租";fire"解雇"。

10.I find the map ________ great value in helping me travelling around the city.

A.of B.with

C.to D.in

答案与解析:A "of+抽象名词"相当于该名词的形容词形式,由该结构可知A项正确。

11.________ for old men to read newspapers,but it is also a great way to improve their minds.

A.Not only for pleasure is it

B.Not only it is for pleasure

C.It is not only for pleasure

D.Not only is it for pleasure

答案与解析:D not only置于句首时句子需用部分倒装形式。

12.As for the influence of computerization,________ else have we seen the result more clearly than in the United States.

A.anywhere B.nowhere

C.anybody D.nothing

答案与解析:B 由倒装结构可知,此处为否定副词提前,排除A、C两项;由in the United States知此处为地点,故选B项。

13.He said that he had submitted the report ________ the matter ________ the director.

A.on; for B.to; on

C.on; to D.no; with

答案与解析:C report on sth.关于......的报告;submit...to...向......提交......句意:他说他已经把关于这件事的报告上交给了主任。

14.She may have missed the train,________ she won't arrive for another hour.

A.in which case B.in her case

C.in any case D.in that case

答案与解析:A 考查定语从句。这是一个非限制性定语从句,所以要用in which case。若逗号前有and,则选D。

15.The manager's demand was that the data referred to in his report ________ to Mr. Andrew without delay.

A.were e­mailed B.would be e­mailed

C.should be e­mailed D.had been e­mailed

答案与解析:C 考查虚拟语气的用法。demand后接表语从句时,从句谓语要用虚拟语气,即"(should)+动词原形";由于e­mail和其逻辑主语之间是动宾关系