【互动课堂】2018-2019学年人教版高中英语必修四学案设计:Unit4《Body Language》Reading
【互动课堂】2018-2019学年人教版高中英语必修四学案设计:Unit4《Body Language》Reading第3页

2. ______________________( approach) the city centre , we saw a

 stone statue of about 10 metres in height.


(1) He is trying to find an approach_______ solving the problem.

(2) The enemy ran away ________ our approach.

(3) ______the approach of winter ,we feel colder and colder.

(4) All approaches ____ the city were cut off.

6 .She stepped back appearing surprised and put up her hands , as if in defence. (Line14, Page 26)

 defence n防御;保卫;defend vt. 保护/卫

(1) made defence / defend against _____________________

(2) defend oneself with sth _______________

(3) in defence of ___________


(1).He spoke for a long time     defence of his policy.

(2).They needed more troops to defend the border    possible attack.

(3).When the dog attacked me , I defended myself ______a stick.

7. I guessed that there was probably a major misunderstanding. (Line15, Page 26)

major adj. 主要的; n. 专业学生; vi主/专修;majority n. 大多数

minor adj. 较少的;次要的; v. 兼修 minority n. 少数

(1)major in English_____________

(2)the majority of _____________

(3) be in the/a majority ___________



(6)Tom and Jack both _____ politics at college , but they often held opposite views in many ____problems.

A. majored in ; main B. majored; chief

C. majored on ; major D. majored in ; major

8. When we met yesterday, he moved very close to me as

I introduced myself. (Line20, Page 26)

close adv. 近地 ,adj密切的,接近的;

closely adv 密切地, 仔细地

(1) 靠近我站着__________________,

(2)接近大自然 __________________

(3) 同某人有密切关系 ____________

(4) 仔细地看地图______________

9....and are more likely to touch them. (Line33, Page 26)

likely adj. 可能的; adv. 可能地.

句式为:It is likely that...或sb./sth. is likely to... "...可能地"

probable 指有根据的事,语气比possible 强 句式为: It is probable that possible