2019学年度外研版选修八Module1Language points学案(5页word版)
2019学年度外研版选修八Module1Language points学案(5页word版)第3页

  B:Stolen. I left my wallet on the counter in the department store__4__I went to the fitting room__5__(try)dress on.

  A:When did you discover it__6__(steal)?

  B:I didn't discover that__7__I went to pay. Is there anything you could do? Someone may be charging things__8__my credit card this very moment.

  A:Don't worry, Miss Green.__9__we have your card number, we can make sure that your card can't__10__(use)all over the world within 30 seconds.

  B:Oh. I'm glad to hear that. Thank you very much.

  A:That's all right.

  1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______

  6.______ 7.______ 8.______ 9.______ 10.______


  1.missing 从后文可知,信用卡"丢失了"。missing"丢失了,不见了"。

  2.address 从答语看,是在问对方"地址"。

  3.an an Australian citizen"澳大利亚公民"。

  4.when 当我到试衣间去试衣服时,我把钱包落在了柜台上。

  5.to try 到试衣间去试衣服。此处用不定式表目的。

  6.was stolen 钱包"被偷了",用被动语态。

  7.until not...until..."直到......才......"。

  8.to 句意为:"这时某个人正用我的信用卡付账呢。"

  9.Once once"一旦......"。

  10.be used 信用卡"被使用",应该用被动语态。



  As the Arctic thaws, can science help to chart a sustainable path for the north?

Last winter, parts of the Canadian Arctic basked in record­breaking warmth. In the town of Coral Harbour, at the mouth of Hudson Bay, temperatures rose above freezing for a few days in January for the first time ever. Across the Arctic, extreme climate conditions are becoming the norm, even as the region faces other profound changes, such as the growing political power of local people and the race to extract mineral resources (see page 172).