《Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show》教学反思和实录18
《Unit5 Do you want to watch a game show》教学反思和实录18第3页

Ss:I don't like it .

T:Yes, I don't like it .Now ,read the conversation together .

Ss:I don't like it .( 没注意连读,而且有点拖音。)

T:Read after me ,please .I don't like it.(在黑板上标出连读的符号)

(设计意图及反思:What do you think of ...?及其回答是本课的核心句型,因此,这里先突破这个重难点。而且,如何正确使用them 和it 也是难点,于是分别选用了可数名词和不可数名词的图片,还故意让学生出错,然后自己纠错。这应该算是知识生成的部分,只是教师没有完全放手,理由是教师说出来而不是让学生说出来的。所以,还应该提醒自己该放手的时候一定要放手。)

Step 5 Practice

1. 分角色朗读黑板上两个代表性对话。

T:Now ,this group ,you ask.And this group ,you answer.Go ,please .

Ss read the conversation for the first time.

T:This time ,you ask ,and you answer.Do ,please.

Ss read the conversation for the second time .


T:OK.Class,work in pairs.Ask and answer like this :What do you think of ...? I love/ I like.../I don't mind.../ I don't like ... and so on .Clear?


T:I'll give you two minutes,OK?

Ss: OK.



T:OK.Stop.You two ,please.

S1:What do you think of sports shows?

S2:I don't mind.


S2:I don't mind them .

S2:What do you think of sitcom ?

S1:I love them .

T:OK,sit down ,please.Any mistakes ?(学生没听懂,教师又问一句:Any mistakes ?学生仍然不清楚老师在说什么,教师只好用汉语解释:有问题吗?)




T:So we should say "them",here we should say "Whar do you think of soap operas?"

(反思:本来学生说的是sitcom,应该是sitcoms.结果学生说是"电视剧",教师似乎也忘了学生刚才说什么,就顺着"电视剧"往下说,竟然把sitcoms改成了soap operas!现在看着自己的课堂视频,才知道犯了一个"前言不搭后语"的错误!真是不应该!以后一定要记住学生说的每一句话!我现在在想:学生是否会想,我哪有说soap opera 呀,太可笑了!严谨,严谨!这就是看视频的好处!敢于解剖自己才可能进步!)

T:(示意另一组学生)You two ,please.

S4:What do you think of sitcoms ?

S5:I love them .