2018-2019学年牛津译林版江苏省启东中学高中英语教案必修1《Unit I School life Period 3 School life in the UK》
2018-2019学年牛津译林版江苏省启东中学高中英语教案必修1《Unit I School life Period 3 School life in the UK》第1页


1、Ask some students to read their "My school day" to the class.

2、Recite or retell the text (par. by par.)

Language focus:


1. below / under

below: 指(高度、职位、数量、年龄)在......之下",(能力等)低于......

  e.g. 100 metres below sea level, ten degrees below zero


  e.g. the figures below:下面的数字

c.f. above:上方的、超过的

under: 指"在垂直的下方"或"级别、数量、标准等低于......

  e.g. Let's sit under the tree. There are many children under 12 years of age.

c.f. over:

2. know: 知道,明白

  e.g. He knows exactly what he's doing.

know of: 知道有,听说过......

  e.g. I have never know of such a thing before.

know about: 知道......的情况,了解,知道

  e.g. I know of him, but I can't say I know much about him.

be known for / be known as / be know to sb.

3. life / lives

一般来讲,当 life 用作可数名词时,指

  1)"一(几)条命"e.g. a life;

              Three lives were lost in the accident.

  2) 生活方式:e.g. one's way of life;

          Modern technology has changed our lives


e.g. To him, money is his life.

     Life is not easy for all of us.

4. missing / lost / gone

missing: 缺少的、失踪的、不在的

e.g. When I came back, my dictionary was missing.

   There are some pages missing from the book.


lost: 丢失的、迷路的、输掉的

e.g. The police are searching for the lost boy.

You'd better go to the Lost and Found to have a look.

gone: 遗失了的、无可挽回的

e.g. My youth is gone for ever.

5. play / play with

play: 进行(有规则的、技巧的)体育/文艺比赛、弹奏乐器等。