4.little little 一点点地;逐渐地
step step 逐步地
side side 肩并肩
one one 一个接一个
【答案】 1.as;to;for 2.in;in;on 3.on;on;on;for;for 4.by;by;by;by
1.Italy is in the south of Europe (欧洲南部)on the coast the Mediterranean Sea.
2.Between France and Spain is another mountain range(法国和西班牙之间有另一座山脉)-the Pyrenees.
3.But each of them sends representatives to the European Parliament, which has some control over what happens(所发生的事情) in each of the member countries.
4.The expanded European Union has a population of more than half a billion people,twice as big as the population of(人口的两倍) the United States.
上海,坐落于中国东部,东临东海,是世界上最迷人的城市之一。一方面,它是世界上最繁荣的城市之一。正因为如此,它是许多跨国公司的所在地(seat)。另一方面它拥有很多的历史遗址。上海的标志性建筑东方明珠(Oriental Pearl Tower),位于浦东公园。在黄浦江的对面你可以更好地欣赏它的美景。外滩(the Bund)是上海的象征之一,它显示出上海杰出的外国建筑的风格,大多数建筑是由著名的建筑师设计的。和其他的地方相比,外滩被比作是华尔街。