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免费下载优质课《Module2 Unit1 She learnt English》教学设计第2页

  T :Now,let's sing a song .

《where did you go》 Stand up and clap your hands .(教学评析:开始上课,给学生一个轻松的环境,师生同唱一个关于动词过去式的歌曲,学生能够复习过去式,并为这节课的学习做铺垫,复习已经学过的知识。

Step2. Presentation

  T: Boys and girls ,Last night , I watched TV and did some housework .What did you do last night ? Did you do your homework ? Did you learn English ? Ss :Yes .

  T : You learnt English .She learnt English .Today, We'll learn Module 2 Unit1 She learnt English.(板书) First,I Look at the screen .


Look at the picture, what is she? Can you guess? ( 课件出示Show the picture of Yang Liping) ,ask:

T: what is she ?

Ss :She is a dancer.

T: She danced in lots of lots of Chinese cities. (dance-danced-dancer )


T:. who can dance?(找同学上去跳舞)then ask: What did she do?


( 教学评析:通过杨丽萍的跳舞图片让学生练习dancer 并很自然的学习了danced