Unit2 Grandma cooked fish教学设计教案免费下载
Unit2 Grandma cooked fish教学设计教案免费下载第5页

 T: Show a picture and ask a pupil: Did you listen to music yesterday?

S1:Yes, I did./ No, I didn''t.(多问多练,巩固句子)


Modle: (老师拿卡片,问学生:Did you listen to music yesterday? 猜对生答Yes, I did.猜错生说 No, I didn't.) 然后指名让学生来猜。


Activity 3. 拓展

Show the pictures.

Boys and girls, look, I have some pictures. It has got one question on the picture. Show the pictures and read the questions.( 出示课件:Chant: What did you do last Sunday? I listened to music.)

Modle: Now if your group choose this pictures. Its question is"What did you do on last Sunday?" First, you should make a survey in group: What did you do last Sunday? Then make a new chant each group. Let's see, which group is the best.

设计思路 :通过这一活动,不仅可以让学生的新知得到巩固,而且还复习了前面的内容;同时,可以使学生养成认真听别人说话的好习惯。也给每个学生提供了一个展示自己才华的舞台。使每个学生都能体验到成功。

