教研课《Module8 Unit2 Why are you wearing a hat》教学设计
教研课《Module8 Unit2 Why are you wearing a hat》教学设计第3页


教学课题 Module 8 总课时数 35 教学内容 Unit1 It's on your desk. 教学目标 1、能正确运用in,on,unde,behind描述物品的位置。


教学重点 能正确运用in on,unde,behind描述物品的位置。 教学难点 能正确运用in on,unde,behind描述物品的位置。 教学准备 录音机、单词卡片、 教 学 过 程 二次备课   Step1:Warm up.

  1、Hello, boys and girls, Let's sing Happy Birthday.

  2、show some things. Panda pen book monkey hat pencil .出示盒子,What's this ?自答box,板书box,层次性操练。

  出示课件图片:apple banana orange bag desk chair.最后示bedroom,板书bedroom,层次性操练。

  Step 2: Presentation.

  1、学习in on under

  把钢笔放在桌子里"Where's the pen?" it's in the desk.板书in.把右手指放在左手里说in。再把钢笔放在盒子里,问Where's the pen?学生:it's in the box。板书此句,层次性操练。同样学习on under。

  2、listen and do .T: Hold up your book. Now I say and you put.

  The book is in your desk. The book is on your desk. The book is under your desk.多做几次练习。每做完一个指令问:Where's your book?学生回答。

  3、Practice in Pairs。之后请学生到前面发指令。

  4、Look and say:看课件,说一句话。


  The pen is in your bag./The book is under your desk./The pen is on your desk ./The pencil is on your book./The pen is under your chair.

  6、Guessing game。请一名学生到前面来,面对大家,教师把东西藏好,这名学生猜。

  7、Find the present.

  look, what's this? It's a present. I have some presents for you, but you should find the presents by yourselves. I'll give you some cards with sentences. You must read it and find .

  (1)It's in the box.

  (2)It's on the desk.

  (3)It's under the chair.

  (4)It's in the bag.

  (5)It's under the book.

  (6)It's on the hat.

  (7)It's under the desk.

  (8)It's in the desk.

  Step 3:Texting learning:

  look,today is Daming's birthday, What present will he get? Listen to the tape./listen and repeat./read by yourselves.