公开课《Module2 Unit2 It will snow in Harbin》教学设计教案
公开课《Module2 Unit2 It will snow in Harbin》教学设计教案第2页

 snow,snowy,sun--sunny, wind-windy, cloud-cloudy,为课文的理解与学习奠定坚实的基础。让学生了解词缀,并利用旧知识记忆新词汇。

  2,Match the weather icons with the words we have learnt.



  1.听音,回答问题:How is the weather in Harbin tomorrow?

T: How is the weather tomorrow? Let's listen to the weather report and find out.

  S:It will snow in Harbin.


How is the weather in Beijing?

How is the weather in Xi'an?

How is the weather in Sanya?

  Step 4:自学讨论

  1,小组内读Group work. Read by yourselves, find the words or sentences which you don't know.

