
Unit 1 Go straight on.

left turn left

right turn right

  A: Excuse me. Where's the ..., please?

  B: Go straight on .Then Turn left... street Homework:



excuse me supermarket next to besides cinema

课后反思 备课组批阅 中心组批阅 学校批阅

凉州区共和街小学 四 年级 英语备课教案

班级 教者 授课时间 教师二次备课 unit 2 It's at the station




1.学习单词station/ houses/ hill/ train/up/ down/ near

2.学习句子 Where is train 1? The train is up/down the hill.

  (二) 能力目标:


  station/ houses /hill/ train/ up /down

2. 能运用句子It's at the station.来描述位置。

  (三) 情感目标:通过学习本课的知识,培养学生礼貌、热心、乐于助人的好习惯。

三 教学重点、难点:

  1.认读单词station / houses / hill/ train 和理解方位介词up/ down /near / at,并明白他们表示的方位。

  2.运用句子It's at the station.描述位置

四 、教学用具:磁带、录音机、课件、单词卡片、市区地图、

  五、 教学步骤


  1.教师板书 "supermarket",学生认读单词;师在黑板上画出本市的平面和标上"supermarket".

T:"Excuse me,where is supermarket?"

S1"Turn right. Go straight on and turn left."

S2:"Turn left. Go straight on."


T:"Excuse me,where is the school?" S3 S4....等回答。

 (二 ) Presentation

  1 .T:"Li Hong will go to GuangZhou next week Excuse me, where is the station?"师示出词卡"station"范读单词,T:"Where is the station?" "station",S5/S6:Turn left.Go straight on. It's next to the zoo. 

 2. 师播放火车轰鸣的声音,T:"Let's guess,what is this?"; T:"Oh,it's a train. train,train. "师教读单词"train"。

3. 师呈现Thomas 上小山的画面,T:"Where's the train?",T:"It's up the hill.hill, hill,up the hill."

 4. 师呈现Thomas驶向山坡下的画面,T:"Where's the train?",T:"It's down the hill. down,down,down the hill."师教读"down"  

5. Thomas驶向农庄的房屋,T:"Where is the train.?.T:It's near the house.house.house house.师教读house.   T:"Where is the train? It's at the station."


  Up ,up ,stand up.

  Down, down, sit down.

  Near, near, near the house.

  At , at ,at the zoo..

 (三) Practice


  2.师画出活动3某市区平面图,标上school, supermarket, house,用"Excuse me,where's the school?"学生用已学的方位词来向同学指路。


  1. 师示出一张公园的平面图,从school, house, station三个方向出发到park,该怎样走,学生分别用Turn left, turn right, go straight on说说,比一比哪一位学生是最佳向导。

(五)Summary 朗读歌谣

  Where is the train?

  It's up the hill.

  It's down the hill.

  It's at the station.