《Module2 Unit2 What's your name》教案教学设计免费下载
《Module2 Unit2 What's your name》教案教学设计免费下载第3页


1. The students are able to ask names of others.

2. Be able to use the sentence "What's your name?" "My name is ...".

3.Revise the expressions learnt in the previous uints. 批注:



光盘:Let`s learn

在句中用红笔出new words并在句右旁贴相应单词卡片



主要复习各种形式的问候语 教学重点:Be able to use the sentences "What's your name?" "My name is ..." 教学难点:Be able to make a dialogue freely. 教学用具:

Textbook, DVD, Word Cards. 教学方法: Games, Reading, Listening,Play Roles, etc. 教学过程: Step 1 Warm-up activity

1. Greeting.

2. Sing a song: "Who Are You?".

Step 2 Presentation & drill

1.Play a game:te lephone

Ask the names of the winners. "what's your name?"

2.T:Do you remember Dino? 你们知道Dino是怎样询问别人的姓名吗?Let`s see the screen!

Write "what`s your name?"on the blackboard.

T:And how to answer? Let`s listen again.

Write "My name is..."

3. Lead-in & help students understand the meaning: "my" "your" "name"

a. Play a chant(配合手势动作):

名字 名字 name name

你的 你的 your your your

我的 我的 my my my

b.Recognize the new words;


4. Learn to say: "What's your name?" "My name is ..."

T: Hello, My name is ... What's your name? (Point to the student's name)

T: Oh! Your name is ...

Help students s understand the meaning.

Read the sentence after teacher.

Drill:students introduce himself/herself & ask another classmate in pairs.

3. Presentation.

a. See the VCR, help students understand what happens in the VCR. Let`s the students retell what they`ve heard.

b.Listen again and find the names : Anne Chen Ling Peter

c. Play Roles.

Step 3 Practise

1.Revise what have learnt in the previous uints by making a dialogue with the teacher.

2. A game--Pass the ball

(当老师说Ready go,学生按组传球,当老师说Stop时,拿球的学生站起来和后一位对话)

S1: Hello/ Good morning/ Good afternoon, I'm ... What's your name?

S2: Hello/ Good morning/ Good afternoon, I'm ...

S1: Nice to meet you!

S2: Nice to meet you too! (go to the next classmate) I'm ... What's your name?How are you?

S3:Fine,thank you. What's your name?How do you do?

S4;My name is...How do you do?

S5:I`m...who are you?

S6:I`m...Nice to see you.

Step 4 Consolidation

Homework:Read Part A after class. 教学(后记)反思:What's your name旨在教学生学会简单的问名字等打招呼用语,如果去死死地学习句子和单词,则会显得枯燥、古板,同时学习效率也不高。所以要将学生都融入到课堂中来,而游戏是小学课堂课堂的润滑剂,一能让学生在玩中学,又能激发学生学习英语的兴趣、活跃课堂气氛。(但是玩游戏前定要让学生明白游戏规则,熟悉英语口令,以便游戏有效开展。)