【名师指导】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修5探究学案:Module4 Carnival(Period5)
【名师指导】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修5探究学案:Module4 Carnival(Period5)第1页

Period 5 Listening & Everyday English

学习目标:1. 扎实练习学生的听力水平,提升英语听力技巧和能力。

     2. 自主学习,探究共赢;学会分析与总结的方法并学以致用。

     3. 激情投入,惜时高效,体验进步的快乐。




使用说明与学法指导:1. 借助课本和辅导材料,初步感知要听到的内容。2. 完成时间15


1. Preview Activity 1, 2 &3 on P35.

(1) Say which things you eat at a festival.

Beans cabbage chicken eggs flour

garlic onion peas pork sausage (2) Find these things in the box above.

① two types of meat__________________

② a food that consists of a tube of skin containing meat mixed with herbs________________

③ five vegetables____________________

④ two ingredients for making a cake_________________

(3) Pair work. Add more vegetables and types of meat.

Vegetables Meat 2. How much do you know about carnival? (Group work, write your answers below.)


3. Do you know them?

Carnival in Rio Mardi Gras Notting Hill Oktoberfest



1. Pair work: Listen and finish Activity 4 and 5.

(1) Match the interview with the pictures.

(2) Fill in the table.

Name Where?  When? How long? Origin Food