【精雕细琢】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案::Unit 3 Tomorrow’s World Task 2
【精雕细琢】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案::Unit 3 Tomorrow’s World Task 2第3页

that most parents would agree with our proposal that our school should improve the computer room.

The government says we should have more IT in all subjects, and more subjects are developing rapidly with the help of IT. Computer skills are becoming more and more important in further studies. We will not keep up with the development of society if we are not good at using computers. So we really need to have a new computer room and hope that you will seriously consider our request.

Best wishes,

Senior High 1

(your own name)

1. Ask several students to read their works in class. Then, show them the possible example and ask them to read the sample passage together.


Step 7 Summary

The teacher will present a short summary, and make a comment on students work.


Step 8 Homework

Apply what you have learned in this lesson and write a proposal about the school gym or some other facilities.


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