英语:unit3 understanding each other-task学案(牛津译林版选修6)
英语:unit3 understanding each other-task学案(牛津译林版选修6)第1页

M6U3 Task学案


1. The breaking of a taboo is usually upsetting or embarrassing for the person concerned and the people around him or her. (P43) 打破禁忌对其相关人员和其周围的人来说往往是不快的,令人尴尬的。


vt. upsetting, upset, upset to make someone worried, unhappy or angry:

It still upsets him when he thinks about the accident.

[R] Don't upset yourself by thinking about what might have been.

adj. [after verb]

Don't get upset about the dress - there's only a little stain on it.

[+ to infinitive] She was very upset to hear that the holiday had been cancelled.

[+ that] He was very upset that you didn't reply to his letters.



Seeing her again would be an upsetting experience after so many years.

2. This will help you interact successfully with people from other cultures. (P43) 这可以帮你与来自其他文化的人成功地交往。


vi. to communicate with or react to:

Dominique's teacher says that she interacts well with the other children.

It's interesting at parties to see how people interact socially.

We are studying how these two chemicals interact.


n. [C or U] when two or more people or things interact:

There's not enough interaction between the management and the workers.


adj. describes a system or computer program which is designed to involve the user in the exchange of information: