原创《Module8 Unit2 Why are you wearing a hat》教学设计
原创《Module8 Unit2 Why are you wearing a hat》教学设计第3页

T: Why are they there?What are they doing?

S: Because they're playing hide-and-seek.

Now look, listen and say.


(二)任务呈现和课文学习Task presentation and text learning (10分钟)

1. 交代任务:今天我们要继续学习用why 和because 询问事情的原因并回答原因。学习之后能够在日常生活中运用所学知识。发挥想象力续写小故事。

2. 出示课题Why are you wearing a hat?(板书句子)

让学生自由发挥回答Because it's hot/windy.

3. Watch the CD-ROM and answer the questions.(PPT出示问题)

(1)Why is Lingling wearing a hat?

(Because it's going to be hot.)

(2)What's the weather like now?

(It's windy now.)

4. Read the dialogue and answer the questions. (PPT)

(1) Why is the boy wearing a raincoat?

(Because it's going to rain.)

(2) Why is Sam wearing a T-shirt?

(Because he's going to play basketball.)

(3) Why is Amy wearing a dress?

(Because she's going to the theatre.)


5. Listen and repeat the dialogue.