《Unit4 What's the best movie theater》重难点讲解33
《Unit4 What's the best movie theater》重难点讲解33第4页

 A. choose B. get C. share D. Work

【2014湖北荆州】22. it's a wise____ to wear the white tie. It matches your shirt well.

A. agreement B. support C. choice D. condition

【解析2】carefully adv, 细致地;小心地; Please listen carefully. 请仔细听

【衡阳中考】 Lucy does homework ________ than Tim.

A. carefully B. more carefully C. more careful

( ) Li Hua studies English very ____ and her English is _____ in her class.

A. careful; good B. carefully; well

C. careful; best D. carefully; the best

12. The menu had only 10 dishes and the service was not good at all.


【解析1】menu ['menjuː] n.菜单

【解析2】service ['sɜːvɪs] n.服务 public service 公共服务

serve→ service sb. 为某人服务

serve sb sth = serve sth to sb. 用某物招待某人

13. Johnny Depp acted the best in that movie.

约翰尼. 德普在那部电影中表演最好

【解析】act v 扮演(角色)→ actor n 男演员→ actress n 女演员

→ action n (行动)

act n 行动 v 行动;扮演(角色) we must act now. action n 行动; 活动 He took strong action actor/ actress n 男演员

n 女演员 an actor/ actress active adj 积极的 take an active part in actively adv 积极地 She was actively looking for a job. activity n 活动 outdoor activity 户外活动 Jack ____________(act) the best in that movie.

14. And you can buy tickets the most quickly there. 而且在那儿你可以最快地买到票

【解析】ticket n 票

a ticket to... ......的票 (to 表示"关联,联系",不可换成of)

the ticket to the film 电影的票

the answer to the question 问题的答案

the key to the door 门的钥匙

the solution to the problem 解决问题的办法

the way to ... 去...... (地方)的路

【2014浙江宁波】21. - Mum , I want to buy an iphone 5s for a changer

-Well , I think there is no ____ . It's almost the same as an iphone 4s.

A.reason B.need C.answer D.way