2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修4教案: Unit 2 Working the land period 1 教案2
2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修4教案: Unit 2 Working the land period 1 教案2第2页

将提及的内容,然而无论学生提及怎样的内容。教师都要将它带到中心话题---to increase the output of rice---袁隆平)


方案二:A video about struggling against hunger ( a public service announcement)

T: What does the video talk about

T: What can you learn from it?

T: The aim of Day to call for people to pay attention to the importance of the development of the agriculture and rice.

Food is the 1st necessity of people. ( Food is the No.1 need)

T: The fact is that there is enough food in the world for everyone to eat, but still more than 1000 million people go hungry everyday. It is a disturbing problem. So do you have some ideas to help solve the problem, or to help those poor people? ( 学生应该会讲到自己的一些想法,但在课前教师无法预料他们将提及的内容,然而无论学生提及怎样的内容。教师都要将它带到中心话题---to increase the output of rice---袁隆平)

Step2. Deal with the text - A pioneer for all people

Task1: Listen to the tape and read after it. While listening , pay attention to the main idea of the whole text and the main idea of each paragraph

T: So how about the main idea of the whole text? (此处涉及两个方案,一是以选择体的方式,二是以填空的方式。但考虑到这是学生的课堂内首次接触到课文内容,所以本人偏向于选择题方式,但不知道如此考虑是否有弊端)

1. 选择题 It's about ______

A. a farmer named Yuan Longping

B. how Yuan Longping became rich and famous

C. an agricultural pioneer named Yuan Longping who worked hard to produce a new strain of rice

D. a new strain of rice which is called super hybrid rice

2. 填空题

The text is about Yuan Longping who made a great contribution to finding ways to grow more rice, but he considers himself as a farmer.

T: The main idea of each paragraph Matching:

Para1. His attitudes toward life