
rob some place of sth.     从某处抢劫某物

(2)robber n. 抢劫犯

robbery n. 抢劫

①The young man robbed her of her bag on the way to work yesterday.


②-Do you know the robbery (rob) last month?

-Yes. Two robbers robbed (rob) the bank in our city.



2.(教材P40)... it is generally agreed that a patient's chances of recovery decline the longer they stay in a coma.



(1)vi.& n.衰退;下降,减少

(1)decline by/to ...     下降了....../下降到......

(2)fall into (a) decline 开始衰落

a decline in ... ...... 下降

on the decline/in decline 在衰退中,走下坡路

①The number of tourists to the area declined by 10% last year.


②The number of people who run the red light is on_the_decline/in_decline since the new traffic regulations came into effect.


(2)vt.& vi.婉言拒绝,谢绝

decline to do sth.decline doing sth.   拒绝做某事

③I invited her to join us, but she declined (my invitation).


④I don't know why the boy declined to_answer/answering (answer) a question.


[名师点津] (1)常见的表示"增加"的动词和动词短语:rise, increase, go up。

(2)常见的表示"减少"的动词和动词短语:fall, drop, decrease, go down, decline。


3.(教材P41)There's no doubt that this will equip us to cure all sorts of illnesses, from heart disease to cancer.


equip vt.使有准备;装备;配备

(1)equip ... for (to do) sth.   为(做)某事而准备/装备......

equip ... with ... 用......装备/配备......;


(be) equipped with ... 装备/配备有......;拥有......

be fully/poorly equipped  装备齐全/简陋

(2)equipment [U] n. 设备,装备

①We aim to equip young graduates for a competitive business environment.