【创新课堂】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修1教案:Module 2 My New Teachers Grammar
【创新课堂】2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修1教案:Module 2 My New Teachers Grammar第2页


Difficulties 学生熟练地在阅读和写作中使用Verbs followed by-ing这些用法 教学方法

Methods 利用口诀快速掌握词汇;以小组为单位互学,互查;完成相关练习 教学手段Aids PPT,pictures, Learning plan paper

、教学过程: Teaching Procedures

Steps & Time Teaching contents and activities(师生活动) Teaching Purposes教学目的 Step 1


Revise the learned vocabulary and have a dictation

Look back on some sentences with verbs followed by -ing in the text 坚持考察学生的词汇掌握情况;回顾之前学过涉及到本堂语法知识的课文中的句子 Step 2

Learning goals Teacher shows the learning goals to the students 展示教学目标,学生了解本堂课教学任务 Step 3


Verbs followed by -ing

Discussion and chant

1. Ask Ss to recall the verbs followed by -ing learned before in groups

2. Teacher tries to teach Ss. to chant verbs followed by -ing, such as,"consider, suggest, advise look forward to, pardon, admit, put off, delay, ..." 学生通过讨论达到回顾已学过只接-ing的动词,并能举例应用。并通过教学生口诀让学生更掌握只接-ing的动词有哪些,达到快速掌握的目的 Step 4

Extension Ask students to think up verbs followed by doing and to do with the same meaning such as, "like, dislike, love, hate"

and also verbs followed by doing and to do with different meanings such as "try, stop, remember, forget, mean, regret" 以小组形式讨论回顾既接不定式又接-ing的动词,并区分这些词的用法,达到拓展掌握相关用法的这类词汇的目的