2018-2019学年北师大版高二选修8学案: Unit 23 Grammar
2018-2019学年北师大版高二选修8学案: Unit 23 Grammar第1页


I. 倒装句


1. 完全倒装



On the top of the hill stands a tree.

②在"there + be / live / lie / stand等"结构中。如:

There is a man at the door wants to see you.

There lived an old fisherman in that house.

③当表示前面提出的某一情况也同样适合于后者时,通常要用"so / neither / nor +系动词/助动词/情态动词+主语"结构。如:

Henry is a teacher and so is his wife.

If James doesn't go there tomorrow, neither / nor will Kitty.

④here, there, now, then, out, in, up, down, off, away等副词位于句首,主语是名词,谓语动词通常是be, come, go, run, rush, fly, follow, fall等时。如:

Here are my replies to your questions.

There come the rest of the students.