2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修4创新教案设计:Unit 4 Section 5
2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修4创新教案设计:Unit 4 Section 5第2页




  I noticed that you seemed_very_upset this morning.


  I didn't feel_at_ease either.


  It_looked_as_if/as_though you had been crying/had cried.


  Is_there_any_misunderstanding between you and your classmates?


  The best way to_get_rid_of/of_getting_rid_of bad mood is to_learn_how_to_share_it_with_your_friends.







  Dear Jack,

  Noticing that you seemed very upset this morning, I didn't feel at ease either. It looked as if you had been crying. When I asked you what was wrong, you put your head down. I'm sorry if I embarrassed you. I just want to help!

  Is there any misunderstanding between you and your classmates? Or did your failure in the test of spoken English make you lose face? If not, would you like to tell me the reason?

  I really would like to help you if I can. The best approach to getting rid of bad mood is to learn how to share it with your friends.


  Xiao Ling



  Every day we experience one of the wonders of the world around us without even realizing it. It is not the amazing complexity of television, nor the impressive technology of transport. The universal wonder we share and experience is our ability to make noises with our mouths, and so transmit ideas and thoughts to each other's minds. This ability comes so naturally that we tend to forget what a miracle (奇迹) it is.

  Obviously, the ability to talk is something that marks humans off from animals. Of course, some animals have powers just as amazing. Birds can fly thousands of miles by observing positions of the stars in the sky in relation to the time of day and year. In Nature's talent show, humans are a species of animal that have developed their own special act. If we reduce it to basic terms, it's an ability for communicating information to others by varying sounds we make as we breathe out.

  Not that we don't have other powers of communication. Our facial expressions convey our emotions, such as anger, or joy, or disappointment. The way we hold our heads can indicate to others whether we are happy or sad. This is so­called "body language". Bristling (直立的) fur is an unmistakable warning of attack among many animals. Similarly, the bowed head or drooping tail shows a readiness to take second place in any animal gathering.

Such a means of communication is a basic mechanism that animals, including human beings,