2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修4教案:Unit 3 A Taste of English Humour period 2 教案1
2019-2020学年人教版高中英语必修4教案:Unit 3 A Taste of English Humour period 2 教案1第2页


  (2)现在分词作表语和主语不是对等关系,现在分词后面不能接宾语,但它前面可以有修饰性的副词,如very, rather等。

  2. 动词-ing形式作定语


  We must improve our working method. (动名词)

  They set up an operating table in a small temple.(动名词)

  China is a developing country. (现在分词)

  The student making the experiment is our monitor.(现在分词)



  如 working method=method for working 工作方法


  如:the man visiting Japan=the man who is visiting Japan 访日的那个人。

  1. 动词-ing形式作宾补


  I saw him going upstairs.

  We watched her crossing the street.

  I saw a man sliding on a banana skin, and I laughed a lot.

   He saw a man stealing into the small room.

  提示:接现在分析作宾语补足语的动词有feel, hear, listen to, see, look at, watch, observe, notice, find, smell, set, have, keep, start, leave, get catch等。

  Step 3. Consolidation

  Purpose: To put the grammar rules into practice.

  Finish the workbook exercises.

  Step 4. Homework.

Make use of different learning resources to summarize the rule of v- ing forms.