免费下载原创《Module6 Unit2 How old are you》教学设计教案
免费下载原创《Module6 Unit2 How old are you》教学设计教案第5页

T: Here is a birthday card. I want to give it to you. How old are you?

Ss: I'm 9.

T: Happy birthday!

Ss: Thank you!

T: Now let's make a survey with your best friend, who is nine?

And make a birthday card and say happy birthday to age is nine's friend.

Ⅵ.Summary and homework.

T: What have you learnt in this class.

T: Today's homework

1、Listen and read the passage three times.(听读课文三遍。)

2、Ask your friends' age.(询问你的朋友的年龄)


M6U2 How old are you?

How old are you?

          I'm nine.