英语:Units 11-12期末复习学案(旧人教版高二下)
英语:Units 11-12期末复习学案(旧人教版高二下)第4页

讲:该词组的义项有"出发; 动身; 开始; 着手做; 列举; 详述"。

例:Then they set out for the farm. 然后他们动身到农场去。

They set out to perform the operation. 他们开始动手术。

He set out his reasons for what he had done. 他列举了这样做的理由。


(1)set out/off for动身去某处 (2)set about doing sth. 开始做某事 (3)set an example做出榜样

(4)set aside拨出; 留出; 不理会; 搁置 (5)set back往回拨; 使倒退

(6)set down放下; 写下; 记下 (7)set fire to/set sth. on fire放火烧

(8)set foot in/on进入; 踏上 (9)set to work(使)开始干...... (10)set up成立; 建立; 支起来

练:(1)(2004江苏高考)It's ten years since the scientist _______on his life's work of discovering the valuable chemical.

A. made for B. set out C. took off D. turned up

(2)The local health organization is reported________ twentyfive years age when Dr. Green became its first president.

A. to be set up B. being set up C. to have been set up D. having been set up

3. throw light upon

讲:该组词组的义项有"使(问题等)较容易理解; 使人明白"。该词组中的throw也可以换成cast。

例:Recent research has thrown new light on the causes of the disease.


Can you throw any light on the problem? 你能把这个问题阐述清楚吗?

链接·拓展 light构成的短语:

(1)come to light为人所知; 变得众所周知; 暴露

New evidence has recently come to light. 新的证据最近已披露出来。

(2)be in one's light挡住某人的光线

Could you move? You're in my light. 挪动一下好吗?你挡住我的光线了。

(3)bring sth. to light揭露; 披露; 暴露; 揭发

These facts have only just been brought to light. 这些事实刚刚被披露出来。

练:Professor Karl is a scientist whose experiments have__________________ the amazing ways.