Unit9 I like music that I can dance to教学设计教案免费下载11
Unit9 I like music that I can dance to教学设计教案免费下载11第1页

学科 English 课时 课题 Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to . 教学要求 1. Express preferences.2. Be able to use "Attributive clause with that and who." 教学重难点 Teach the students how to use the key word.

Practice using sentences with relative clauses in real life.

Using sentences with relative clauses in discussing CDs. 教学过程及问题情境 Step1 Revision

Ⅰ.Revise the relative clauses with that by asking questions :

Ⅱ.Revise the relative clause with who by asking questions:

Step2 Presentation


1.Show my favorite CDs to the class and teach the phrase-- remind of

2.Give more examples on "remind sb. of sth./sb. "

such as, He reminds me of his brother. This reminds us of what we often did when we were children. Tell the students that remind...of...means cause sb. to think of sth.

3.Write the four questions on the blackboard.

(1)What's the name of your favourite CD?

(2)Why do you like this CD?

(3)What do you dislike about this CD?

(4)What does it remind you of?

Get them to discuss in pairs. Ask a pair of the students to share their conversations with the class.

Step3 Consolidation and extension

I. Do activity 3a.

Ask the students to read the review and match the sentences part by themselves, then check the answers.

II.3b Pair work

Ask a pair of students to read the model conversation in the box first, Then make the students make up a similar dialogue .

talk with your partner about a CD you listened to recently. Ask and answer the questions in activity 3a.

III Part 4

1. Show some pictures of the popular singers or groups among the students.

2.Let the students complete the sentences with their own words.

3. Move around the classroom and ask questions who feels the same way you do about each thing. And write down the student's name in the blank .

4.Ask some pairs to say their conversations to the class.

5.Complete this survey. Then find classmates who agree with you..

Step 4 Summary