2019学年度人教版选修七Unit 3Under the sea Period2 Language points学案设计(7页word版)
2019学年度人教版选修七Unit 3Under the sea Period2 Language points学案设计(7页word版)第1页

  2019学年度人教版选修七Unit 3Under the sea Period2 Language points学案设计


  1.He left the country on ________(urge) business.

  答案: urgent

  2.Thanksgiving Day is a holiday celebrated________(annual) in the United States on the fourth Thursday in November.

  答案: annually

  3.Students must have opportunities to practice new skills and________(deep) their understanding of new information.

  答案: deepen

  4.Can you tell the relation between these two questions and the________(relate) between the persons who put forward them?

  答案: relationship

  5.There was an ________(abandon) baby under the bridge.

  答案: abandoned

  6.We can provide________(accommodate) for sixty people in our hotel.

  答案: accommodation


  1.I'm really terrified______________(witness) the slaughter.

  答案:  to witness

  2.________________(sort) out all her clothes,she went on________________(cook) supper for her large family.

  答案:  Having sorted;to cook

  3.You should say sorry if you are late as no one likes____________(keep) waiting for a long time.

  答案: being kept

  4.He ________________(flee) from France when the World War Ⅱ broke out.

答案:  had fled