【新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案:《Unit 3 Tomorrow’s world 1》
【新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案:《Unit 3 Tomorrow’s world 1》第1页

I 词语辨析

1、real / true


e.g. Is this real gold?

I'm learning to skate on real ice.

It can hardly happen in real life.


e.g. Believe it or not, but it's a true story.

Tom is true to his name.

True friends shall share everything.

true还由词组:come true: 实现

e.g. The four modernization of China will surely come true.

2、give out / give off / send out:这三个词组在解释"散发热、光、气体时可以互用,但也有细微的区别:

give out:1) 意为"发出声音、热、讯号、气味"等。

e.g. The Jessamine gives out a sweet perfume.

The device will give out red flashes in the fog.

The boy gave out a shout of joy.

2) 分发,颁发、宣布

e.g. The teacher gave out the examination papers.

It was given out that the Prime Minister had died suddenly.

   3) 被用完, 耗尽 (机器等)失灵, (人)体力不支

e.g. We had just reached home when the petrol gave out.

The chair gave out under the fat man.

give off:常指发出:液体、气体、气味等。

e.g. The wild flower gives off a nice smell.

The wet firewood gave off much smoke when burned.

The gas gave off an unpleasant smell.

send out:指"从中心向外发出光、热、气味"等。

e.g. The sun sends out light and heat.

The lamp sent out a powerful beam.

3、besides / except


e.g. Besides three books, she also bought some fruit.

Two other teachers saw the film besides Mr. Zhang.

意思同besides的词还有:as well (as), in addition (to ...), apart from

e.g. He bought three books and some fruit as well.

In addition to a car, he also bought a house recently.

Apart from the above reasons, he gave some other explanations