
 Step 5

(10 minutes)

Consolidation: 课堂练习--选择填空:

( ) ① This is __________ bedroom.

A. I B. my C. me

( ) ② There ________ a photo on the wall.

A. is B. are C. be

( ) ③ - Is this your coat

A. Yes, it isn't. B. No, it isn't. C. No, it is.

( ) ④ In my room I have two big __________.

A.bike B.bikes C.bike

4. Check the answer

① B, ② A, ③ B, ④ B 1.学生独立完成练习

2.相互检查 Step 6

Blackboard design:

Unit five There is a big bed

A. Let's try A. Let's talk

Your room is really nice.

There is a big bed. Step 7

Notes after class: Questions for students:

The Third class Learning content: Unit 5 A. Let's spell B. Let's wrap it up

Aims: 1. 通过大量的听读操练,掌握双元音字母/ei/在单词中的发音,让学生感悟一些信息英语语音的方法。

2. 完成"Let's wrap it up"部分的连线和填空任务,掌握There be句型中be动词单复数形式的运用。

3. 能听懂、会唱歌曲"A photo of me"。

4. 培养学生积极学习的精神和合作学习的态度。 Teaching procedures: Learning plan My ideas Step 1

(5 minutes)

Warming up

and revision 1. Free talk

T: Good morning, everyone.

Ss: Good morning, teacher.

T: How are you today?

Ss: Fine, thank you. And you?

T: I'm fine, too. What's our classroom?

Ss: There is / are ... in our classroom.

2. 教师请一两组学生上讲台表演"B. Let's talk"部分对话。


1. 唱歌曲。

(1) 播放两遍歌曲"A photo of me",全班学生大声跟着录音唱。

(2) 第二次播放歌曲录音,全班学生分组比赛唱歌曲。

2. 教师出示一个房间图,学生用There be句型说说房间里有什么。

3. 学生同桌合作玩"剪刀、石头、布"游戏,赢的一方问:"What's in the room?",输的一方用回答"There is / are ... in the room."