教学重点 1、学习单词:stomachachecold headache fever have 书写单词:cold
2、能运用本课的句型:Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits yesterday so today
he's got a stomachache进行询问
能运用本课的句型:Sam had lots of chocolate biscuits yesterday so today
he's got a stomachache进行询问
课标要求 本节课的主要内容是学习不规则动词的过去式,让学生学会如何运用动词的过去式简单地描述一次事故,能用英语简单地向别人描述自己做过的事情。 教学方法 情景交际、表演、游戏等任务型教学法 知识链接 过去时态与一般现在时态的运用 课时分配 1课时 Step1、 Greetings and warm up
Step2 New lesson
学习单词:stomachache cold headache fever have
师领读 分组读 男女生读
2. Learn the text
T:Something happened about Sam,Amy,Linglngand Daming.
Read the text and answer questions.
What's wrong with Sam?
What's wrong with Lingling ?
What's wrong with Amy?
What's wrong with Daming?
a 生自读文章找答案并圈出不认识的单词(师预设单词 stomachache chocolate biscuits )
b 小组合作解决问题
c 找生回答问题,师予以加分,调动学生积极性(此过程中,师教授学生不会读的单词)
3. Ss follow the tape read (规范学生的语音语调)
4. Ss follow teacher read the text
5. Practice in each one's group
6. 师检查差生的朗读情况,以暴露其不会读得单词句子,师进一步纠正。
7. 课文细节知识点
学生自由发言,教师进行总结:①前两句话中的"had"的意思是"吃"和"ate"的意思相同;后两句的"had"是习惯用语,意思是"患病" 教师有必要向学生讲解课文中"so"和"and"
Step3 Practice
Patient: I've got a stomachache.
Doctor:What did you have yesterday?
Patient: I had two watermelons yesterday.
师生演练 生生演练
Step 4 Summary