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Finish the exercise and read it. Complete the form according to the text.
1. ____________ Stand-up comedy is good for your health.
2. _________ of stand-up Comedians make fun of humorous things about people's 3.___________ or daily life. It's a type of 4._________ humor whose 5.____________ comes from objects. Comedians use their bodies to make jokes , such as 6.__________over chairs and falling down on stage. Comedians do impressions by acting or speaking like a famous person. A famous comedian Well-known for his being quick-thinking and the 7.___________ to come up with jokes about the people and things around him. He appeals to all age groups and is able to get people all over the world 8.__________ , which proves that everyone can enjoy stand-up. 9._____________ of laughing People 10._____________ a lot are said to live longer. Laughing helps your body stay healthy and can even help you fight pain.